2024 Mission:

Re-Elect President Trump by Delivering Victory

and 29 Electoral Votes for Trump from Wisconsin (10)

and Pennsylvania (19).

Strategy / Tactics:

What we will do with your contributions?

  • Where we are focused: The critical battleground states of Wisconsin (WI) and Pennsylvania (PA).
  • How we are messaging: Billboards in the more populated cities and counties in WI and PA.
  • What we are messaging:
    • Simple, persuasive and easy to understand billboards
    • Pro Trump messages

Why Wisconsin?

We only spend time and money on high ROI (return on investment) elections and are confident that we can help deliver a critical victory in 2024 for President Trump in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin is one of 3 critical battleground states that President Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020 and cost him the 2020 election.

Trump “lost” the 2020 election by fewer than 43,000 votes in 3 states and Wisconsin was one of those 3 states he lost:

  • Georgia (11,779 / .2% of that state’s votes);
  • Arizona (10,457 / .3%) and
  • Wisconsin (20,682 / .6%).

It is critical that President Trump win again in these 3 states in order to win the 2024 election.

Our focus on Wisconsin makes sense because we have personal ties to and political knowledge about the state (of WI). In addition, we have a proven track record in Wisconsin where our persuasive billboard messaging contributed to the re-election of Sen. Ron Johnson (WI) in 2022.

Why Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania (PA) is another one of the battleground states that Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020.

Now that we have executed our billboard strategy in WI, our donors have encouraged us to expand the 2024 Mission to include Victory and 19 Electoral Votes from PA.

We are confident that we can execute our billboard strategy in PA because our billboards have already been designed AND because we know how to quickly research, select and contract the billboards that meet our criteria.

Why Billboards?

A $1,000 Contribution = 50,000+ impressions per week for 4 weeks.

A $10,000 Contribution = 500,000+ impressions per week for 4 weeks.

A $100,000 Contribution = 5,000,000+ impressions per week for 4 weeks.

Two reasons: cost and time.


  1. The cost per impression of a billboard is less than $.01 and significantly less than the cost of a postcard mailing or doorhanger ($.40/postcard impression and $.04 /doorhanger impression).
  2. Unlike doorhangers that are extremely volunteer time-intensive to hang on doors, there is very limited investment of time in the design and procurement of a billboard message.

2016 vs 2020 Election

Take America Back