The Recap of our 2020 Mission
2020 Mission:
Re-Elect President Trump by increasing his Victory Margin in Collier County, FL & contributing to the delivery of FL’s 29 electoral college votes to Trump.
Mission Accomplished!
President Trump won Florida’s 29 electoral votes in 2020 with a victory margin of 371,686 votes (3.4%)
over Biden out of 11,067,456 votes cast. Trump’s 3.4% Victory Margin in 2020 was significantly higher than his 1% Victory Margin in 2016 primarily due to improved performance in Miami – Dade County but also in smaller counties such as Collier County.
Concerned Americans for America significantly contributed to President Trump’s improved victory margin over Biden in 2020 (51,329) versus Trump’s victory margin over Clinton in 2016 (44,338).
In the 3 months leading up to the election, our army of more than 250 Concerned Americans for America delivered targeted messages to more than 100,000 or 50% + of all registered voters in Collier County, in 2020, with a focus on Independents (primarily NPAs/No Party Affiliation) and all Hispanics and Blacks in Collier County.
- Where did we focus? exclusively in Collier County
- How did we message?
- Post cards
- Door hangers
- What did we message?
- Simple, easy to understand contrast messaging (Trump vs. Biden)
- English and Spanish messages for Hispanics
We kept our “no grifter” promise, spending every penny of the $20,000+ of contributions, on messaging related costs, primarily printing & postage. Not one penny was spent on consultants or salaries.

Why Improvement in Collier County is CRITICAL to Trump in 2020!
The Numbers Don’t Lie
- Trump won 306 Electoral College Votes, 36 more than the required 270 to win the Presidency.
- Florida’s 29 Electoral Votes were critical to Trump’s victory.
- Trump’s Victory Margin in Florida was 112,911 out of more than 9 million votes cast:
- Trump’s votes = 4,617,886 vs. Clinton’s votes = 4,504,975 (112, 911 difference or 1.2% of total votes cast of 9,419,886)
- Collier County was one of the 58 counties, of FL’s 67 counties, that delivered Victory Margin for Trump
- HOWEVER, Collier County’s Victory Margin of 44,338 for Trump in 2016 was 484 votes lower than Romney’s Victory Margin of 44,822 in 2012, despite record high Republican turnout of 91.4% in 2016.
- 2016: 105,423 votes for Trump versus 61,085 votes for Clinton = 44,338 Victory Margin
- 2012: 96,520 votes for Romney versus 51,698 votes for Obama = 44,822 Victory Margin
- Collier County Republican Turnout: 91.4% in 2016 versus 88.7% in 2012
- Collier was the only one of the top 5 Republican Victory Margin counties with a DECLINE of Victory Margin in 2016 versus 2012.
- Lee County: + 22,637 (66,642 in 2016 versus 44,006 in 2012)
- Brevard County: + 25,862 (62,160 in 2016 versus 36,307 in 2012)
- Pasco County: + 37,795 (51,959 in 2016 versus 14,164 in 2012)
- Clay County: + 2,878 (47,141 in 2016 versus 44,263 in 2012)
- Collier County: – 484 (44,338 in 2016 versus 44,822 in 2012)
- The top 2 Democratic Victory Margin counties delivered strong Victory Margin gains in 2016 versus 2012
- Miami-Dade: + 81,688 (290,147 in 2016 versus 208,459 in 2012)
- Broward: + 28,158 (292,469 in 2016 versus 264,211 in 2012)
Concerned Americans For America™ is committed to delivering increased Victory Margin from Collier County to TRUMP in 2020.
- Republican turnout, while critical, is NOT sufficient for success. The Collier Republican Party is focused on turnout of Republicans.
- Concerned Americans For America™ is focused on EXPANDING votes for Trump by delivering targeted messages to Independents, Hispanics, and African-Americans. Our growing volunteer army is delivering messages via door hangers and post cards.
- Please help us re-elect President Trump in 2020 with YOUR CONTRIBUTION of volunteer time & energy and/or a donation.